Adding R & R automation to your grain mills can not only give you higher quality, more consistent feed, it can reduce your labor expenses by as much as 60%! The R & R automated station controls the feeder cabinet and roll motor, which prevents “over-amping” or waste of electrical power. It is PC compatible, so the mill can be operated by a single employee, thereby decreasing human error and increasing productivity. The control station allows for adaptation to accommodate future areas of automation.
These units provide automatic production and control updates. PLC provides for remote control. Our automated grease units eliminate human error and increase bearing life. Safety issues are resolved because actual “Hands On” situations are decreased. We also offer training and ongoing automation support consultation.

Automation Advantages
Full Operations of Mills and Steam Chest
Able to set and maintain multiple flake weights for different grains
Consistent cook of grains
Monitors and logs trends of operations of mill and Steam Chest
Safety Set Points, auto shut down and overrides for safer operations
Automation can reduce labor expenses by 60%
Automatic Monitoring
Can be remotely monitored – web enabled interface can be accessed from a computer or phone
Cost savings for utilities